How can i
In my mortal eyes
Hold You
So infinite?
How can one
Do that?
Can i ever
A river?
Or a sky?
Or a bird ?
Can i forever fly?
Can i?
But me can feel
How You me Love,
As if You are Eternal,
Like a strong fable,
Like that which times can never malign,
Like that which in all books ever written bears signs,
Like that...
With which by God's favour
You created all...
The Universe...
How can i be ever
To that strong,
That wide,
That prescient state,
That vast,
That height...
How can i?
(Note: the picture of a page of an old book attached here under this scribble is actually of a poem which inspired me to begin only this scribble mine...the poem as a picture below, was written by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, in eighteenth century)
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