Sunday, April 7, 2013

A balmy evening post carnage...

Another evening is on the descent
Just like evenings of the past
Just like the evening last...

Only sought the calm
For so much I got the belief in that
Nothing but a silent sit on a cotton square mat...

And that incense laden room
Into which the dying light come
Like a soft pedalled balm...

Only sought that...
Another evening that has arrived
Just like another life...

'The new life'
He wrote
My fav...

Where would from here the journey I take?
To which destination?
Where exactly?

A projection...
Perhaps of the unreal upon the real
With which the whole of life would one deal...
But this evening has the balmy feel...
A proper kind of a birth
And also of a proper death...
A rebirth
Requires a death...

But who could seek death
Without pains?
Who could really abandon a deep sense?
It has been never easy...
But the evening...
It helps one sometimes...
Which has a descent of a calm
And peacefulness...
But who becomes desperate for peace?
Only the one perhaps who faced the cruelest carnage...
And blood on the street...

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