Monday, November 28, 2011

at the 'mechanics' class...

'So when we try to create a kind of free body diagram...
We always remember that we are considering the object to be free initially from all forces...
We think of a space...three dimensional...and then we imagine...
Yes! we imagine the object to be going through certain forces...
The professor at the lectern suddenly raised his otherwise mellowed voice...
And pronounced the word Imagine with a if he wanted the whole class to be poets...

He thought sitting on the last bench, pressing his back on the green wall that left flakes of green tinge on his shirt...
'Are every where...who's free really?
Then he took up his pencil and the drawing board...
Thought of a space
Put an object named 'i' there...
And let it float...
Then he thought of the space...
Thought of air...and its density...
Thought of the bottomline of the drawing board as the ground...
Put arrow downward to indicate 'g'...the gravitational force working on 'i'...
Now to keep it there floating...
He needed to make the situation on board a bit changed...
(So he imagined...)
He thought of exerting some kind of force upward...
He thought of the object as a rocket...
Exhausting ...gases downward...
He drew arrows up which negated 'g'...
He provided some kind of stability to the rocket like object...
Then he thought...
It was not so easy...
He ransacked his head...
The freebody diagram engaged him...
He was captivated by the diagram and the forces...
He felt he himself got entangled...

 'Freedom...'the professor, meanwhile declared from his lectern...
'is just another diagrammatic expression of servitude to forces...internal and external...'
He nodded...
And smiled...looking at his sketch...
And the object on the board...
The object...
It was there...
But not going anywhere...
Only its energy was dissipating all the time...
All the time...

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