Another year added mate!
to your and my dates...
of the runs...the plays...the writeups...
the tuxedo black jack chase...
and card games...martini glass toasts...
of holidaying breeze rubbing a frosty nose...
another at its legit end
another year to catch up with dreams right at the bend...
where the road takes to the hills...a long climb...
and the wind falls with drops of lemony lime...
No big wishes for you mate...
no big wild ecstatic screams...
only wish you to live it good mate
and sleep well in peace...
and wake up every morn with a smile
and grab a belly full breakfast
and a bit of juice...
wish the battery of gunshots cease
and brothers hanging up swords...declaring a truce...
No real big wild wishes mate...
nothing like that...
only wish flakes of smiles falling everywhere...
and wish birds to fly unobstructed till they warm up...
and wish to find soft kisses from the heaven drop
on those living without basic required things...
wish the new year only love in fullest splendour bring...
and wish to see midnight's children also going to school...
and wish to see lotus of fancy brimming the pool...
and that twin dimples appearing often on her cheeks...
wish to see the crimson shiny himalayan peak...
breaking sun rays into a seven band bow...
wish to breathe air fresh not heavy with cfc snow...
wish the oceans remain deep and blue...
wish to see green leaves bathing in morning dew...
and to hear the chirping of tiny ones from the branches of trees...
wish to see every house hang clothes on lines swaying in the afternoon breeze...
and parks full of kids...old ones with walking sticks...
wish to see no child labouring at the kilns of bricks...
another year gone mate!
another year gone...
wish to see a lot things
not left undone...