Wednesday, September 19, 2012

leit motif of the incomplete...

some incompleteness
has the dream of completion...

a project taken chip by chip...
a drawing sketched incomplete...

a note left  on table unsigned...
a webpage logged in but not logged out...

a coffee mug taken but left not sipped...
a book borrowed from the library but kept half read...

a bite taken into a sandwich and gone-
to attend the chorus of a delirious dawn...

a Vesuvius bubbled but not erupting full
a song from a heart turning into a drowsy drool...

a car ignited by the turn of the key
but engine kept on idle under the shade of a tree...

a poem beginning to become a myth...
a kiss dying on the surface of lips...

some incompleteness are so still and stiff
like a frozen state...a leitmotif...

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