Sunday, November 4, 2012

Apology from the youngest Corleone...

I had to leave you stranded
On the Brooklyn bridge...
What to do?
Tommy guns from all sides sprayed
Paints so red...
I had to run for cover behind that car
And checked on you going away ... far...
A white cadillac with you going opposite
To the place...Little Italy...where my fate's street
Always took me at night without breath...
Gasping panting dragging feet
To dump my soul and tuxedo emptied
Of me...
On the bed I fell asleep
Maids in black gowns with eyes deep
Wooed me...refurbished me...
Bribed recharge battery
Of cells  with newer energy...
Next day...
At the breaking dawn...
When the gardener was not yet at the lawn...
And the cars with big black rear sides
Were resting at the garage like birds without flight...
Took to the bridge to catch the trail...
Of you and cadillac tyre marks
-I thought to tail...
But so many cars had screeched to halt and sped
On Brooklyn Bridge
Can't find you my sad eyed maid...
Again I had to come back
To the safehouse where life's track
Always ended without any hope...
Being a member of a family
Of the infamous Corleone...
I had to leave and sacrifice...
Discharge my all in streetfights!

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