Thursday, June 6, 2013

Colored sky and a deity...

Never seen so much of glowing pink...
Spreading from the east
Spreading ...
Catching every brush stroke of the cloudman...
As if the whole sky
Had become a printed saree
Primarily blue and white
With pinkish orange gathering
All over...
my God...
The Helios
before rising what an arrival
He is such a good painter...
As if His arrival mere
Is a painting too!'

he thought
Looking up
At the sky...
Of dawn...

Standing quiet on a lawn
Wide too
Full of green and dew...

The spectacle stayed
Longer than other dawns
he had seen...
It stayed...
Probably allowing him
To gather and swallow
As much as his throat possibly can...
in this small life...

The pink started to fade out...
Fading out quiet...
As if by water
He was gently wiping out
The sky...
Only to return
To the primary...
White (with most soothing nerve impulse creating as per the scale theorised by another God...a color expert)
And mildest blue(the second most soother of eyes as per the same scale)

he thought

Then he remembered
Some colors are primary
And some
Are compound colors...
Like elements
And compounds
In Chemistry...
Or Physics molecular...

appreciating this beauty
Of Nature
The eternal mother...
he thought
Of dying again...
A trance...

he sat on the grass...
Soft quiet dewy...
And prayed to that deity
With him to forever stick...

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