'where from this beautiful fragrance arrives thus?'
he thought
as he chanced to pass
one morn a garden such
full of trees...
he paused...
CN One...
first pair of twelve cranial nerves caught a smell sweet
as if someone had poured a bottle of green lavender...
somewhere near...
he by eyes searched...
and found the small shrub
Santalina virens!
there she stood
green with yellow dots
and emitting volatile compounds...
into the morn's decent cool misty air...
he stared
took a long inhale...
the yellowish blossoms pale
all over the shrub...
looked like little angelic stars...
and he got lost
into that fragrant morn...
lighted up
penetrating the haze
he filled his lungs
with the feel...
a sense...
Paradiso sulla terra
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