'Like a series never ending...
When images flash one after another
And they can never be kept
Due to primary lack of space...
What should one try to do?'
he thought
Looking at the street
Swept by the drizzzling joy
And other allied imagery
Like two girls cycling hard
Through the screen of rain...
And an old woman looking up
Her umbrella overturned...
A small bird tending her wings
Sitting lone on a roof top...
And a boy jumping and dancing
His mother falling behind...
And a car playing Lenon
Disappearing at the bend...
And a rickshaw with a man in suit
Moving slowly as if lost...
And on a terrace opposite someone's saree
Like a flag fluttering
As understood...
Several other civic things...
Lamps from night still shining...
A tap unclosed dripping water...
Wasteful life flowing unnoticed...
'when images come and go
Like that...
How can one hold them tight
And never lose them from sight?'
he wondered...
And somewhere within
Answer formed...
Think of external hard drives...
Better still think virtual...'
And he jumped in joy...
he knew he got his toy...
he opened the flap
Of the gadget cool
And sent all files to the Cloud...
'when several Clouds are so available...
Dropping them into a box
Or a Google® owned Drive...
Or an Apple® thing starting with i...
Why should one get so worried?
Catch'em all with your eyes
And just put them into Clouds...
A storage virtual...
And yet unlimited...
Much like flowing images!'
he gushed
And clicked and tapped fine...
Putting them... uploading...
One by one them all...
Into that eternal thing
A floating Space available
All through one's limited life...
And outside...
Images were still being born...
And he knew
he got no worry at all...
'Space is actually unlimited...'
he dipped next into that thought...
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