Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mirrory life...

i find myself
In you...
Yourself in me...
Sometimes not ...
Like the perennial...
An universal truth...
And pitchers of our souls...
so full
That i the fool
Upon your shoulder like a kid drool...
And you mind it not
For in your flowery pot
You know me the kid only grows
And you also get filled
With the eternal sense of joy
Rarely felt...

Unwittingly dear,
My growth...
Helps you the sapling of a Mahogony...
to grow
To be the tallest...
The strongest...
The oldest...
The biggest...
The most wise...
And also the youngest...

There lies the perfection of Faith
There lies our path...
Our death...
And our rebirth...


Like a single mirror
Reflecting everything...
The sky...
The rainy morn...
The city in work submerging fine...
The autorickshaws speedying non chalant...
The shopping mall like a material planet...
The immaterial soul
Getting higher...
The rising
Of a rock of Gibralter...
The songs of nightly dolphins...
The college gate filled with happy teens...
The music of monsoon mixed with spring...
The dark deep enough to become Light...
The day light as good as the lunar scaped night...

And those puddles of water
By monsoon bred
Here on me...
And surely upon you
Never dead...

They become mirrors little but true...
The wet and the shine
They reflect on me and also on you...

Thus Isabel
Love divine...
There lies the mirror...
The mirror of living it fine...


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