Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Q & A...

'do you love and respect your blue horse?'
Asked He...
'yes i do...'
he made the reply....
'do you not love the road of this life and respect it the same?'
another query came...
'yes i do love and respect the road...'
'do you love and respect this evening?'
He asked again...
He the eternal crosser...
with his dossier
in His hand...

'yes i do...'
'do you not love and respect both t and T and l and L?'
'yes ...i do...'

'do you have love and Love?
do you have faith and Faith?'

queries were coming fast...
like waves...

'yes i do have two sets of each...'

'do you know swimming?'
He asked softly...
looking sharp...

'no...but i got faith and Faith on t and T and life and Life...and love and Love...
and they incorporate everything...
i think...'

he answered bowing...
kissing the road...

There was somewhere a song...
a Kenny G
a song on an evening...
he closed his tiny eyes...
he closed his ears...

for he wanted to see more
and to hear

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