She at the terrace
On the rails her elbow on rest
Drenched by the rays
Of broken sun...
Made me learn
So many things...
Her hair carried
By the breeze over her face...
Continuous shots digitally hurried
To me at a stupendous pace...
Then there was the dark orange sight
Of her 'anchal' on a flight...
Her great reluctant poise...
A poem almost born out of joys...
The way she cast her dreamy glance...
The way the rays on her curves danced...
The way on her forehead resplendent
Moisture the clouds did temptingly paint...
The way her long dark eyelash
Trembled... and whispered a titanic blast...
All these simple things and much more...
She on the terrace poured...
As colored by the sun on set...
Made me learn so many things...
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