Saturday, July 14, 2012

Outside of a night...inside of me...

The night has become a saint
On his hair street light paints
White and hazy streaks of sleep...
And trance from the street peeps...
Through my window like airy layer...
And in moments like these I can see you there...
Combing a long stretch of love laden hair...
And singing perhaps an old song
Heard by me...once...the whole night long...

The night is whispering a sense
Of peace...tranquil existence
And moments like these click open snaps...
Of you growing in length and width in undefined time gaps...
From your first word to your last kiss...
In moments like these
I definitely miss...
From your first yawn to your last write...
In moments like these
I back fight...

The night grows dense to dense
Inside I just cling to the fence
Of present tense dividing the past
Your growth unparallel from dawn to dusk...

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