Wednesday, December 28, 2011

son and dad...

'Come'n dad!'
My kid cried...
Seeing the water of the lake so cool blue reflecting every bit of the clear sky above...
We two
Got out of our home
Early in the morn and drove almost fifteen kilometres to find a sopt to play and dance and do whatever we can...
For it was our day out...
The day out of the father and the son!
I looked at him...
My seven year old kid...carrying my chromosomes and hers as well...
Our offspring!

'Come'n dad!'
The kid cried again loud and clear...and the distant hills echoed his words....
I saw him unzipping his trousers and getting rid of his vest...
'Hey! let me join you!'
I shouted at him and ran towards him...
Leaving behind all worries...all cares...
The pier was long...wooden...mossy...
'Why fumble?'
My kid asked me, as I stood undecided...
'Come'n! let's take a jump!'
He said...with his eager tiny eyes bursting with vivacity...
I surely got infected by his instinctive gestures...his brown hair being brushed by the breeze...
His earnest eyes so happy...
His smile so candid and fresh...
Methought I could afford to be a kid for few hours...just like him...
Methought I should be like him...the kid...
The next moment both of us took the jump, together, holding on to each other...our four legs spread in the air...yelling all the way...
Our conjoined cry found an echo soon...


  1. You have captured this lovely memory so beautifully. Now it will always be available to you and to him, for remembering.

  2. True Sherry Blue Sky! That's what poems do...they eternalise moments...thanks for reading and appreciating...:-)


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