Sunday, October 30, 2011

the Guru...

So, by chance I met him...
Near the river Koshi...sitting cross-legged as any sadhu should entomb oneself...
Eyes closed...
Palms rested blithely on folded knees...
I looked at his face...calm...
As calm as the river flowing by...
Calm with little ripples...
I looked at his face...same eyebrows...same lips...same square jawbones...
He appeared a bit frail though...

The last time I saw him...some ten years back...
He had worn a pair of jeans faded...
And in all probability a fag was dangling from his lips...then...
He just nodded me farewell...
I had  heaved a sigh perhaps, adjusting my dupatta over my heavy bosom...
I had flashed a faint smile perhaps...
Perhaps I had checked my tears...
Only my black eyeliner got a bit smudged...I remember!
But I had hidden all my sighs...quite efficiently...under the garb of my dimpled smile...
He had stared at me for a while perhaps...
Stared hard...
I had remained impassive...outwardly... though God the storm had raged then...within...
How my two unruly arms had tried to defy my orders of brain...
To embrace him hard!
To hold him tight over my empty bosom!
O! what a pain it had been-
To let him go...
To let love remain unrequited!

After ten long years,
I, by providence, discovered him...
And on the very first glance
Realised that sadhu under the tree by the river was my known man...
The man who  had left me giving no pains external...
The man who left me flooded by dreams and unforgiving memories!
I thought...
I should pounce on him and wake him up from his deep slumber!
I thought I should jerk his unconsciousness out!
I thought I should plant a kiss on his thin lips...full of my pentup lust and love...
I just thought...
Never garnered the courage to face his eyes opened...

Me thought...
I should click a photo of my man sitting under the tree by the river Koshi...
Without jeans and cigarette...
In an orange loin...and bare chest...

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