Friday, July 29, 2011

The taper and the flame

Walking down the winding road
On a beautiful spring morn,
Just when I gathered
The smell of colored blossoms
I thought I met my woman...

My woman
Who brought the taper of light and love
To my mind, soul...
Her face was covered though
By a canopy of cloud,
Hitherto unforeseen in any spring morning;
But her youthful hue
Coupled with the passion of love,
Made me weak on my knees...

I stopped
Drooping perhaps
Always being thirsty of love...

She gave me all,you know
Even before I needed them,
As if she was destined to be mine...

She turned me man
From a wanderer kid,
She turned me old
From another youngish brat...

Spring turned to summer
And the summer to monsoon...
She was still there beside me-
Turning all stones to flowers,
All deserts into meadows...

And I fell
For her only...

But then,
On one autumn evening,
Under the red sky
I met a flame;

Methought my eyes got burnt,
My flesh goose-bumped,
For never a man witnessed
Such an opulence...

Methought I met a fire
That singed me with lust...
We plunged into the caverns of a play,
That took all fantastical stories to their supreme best...

We played, all through the nights,
Nights after nights...

Autumn gave way to winter,
Letting the flame die...
By the spring the following year,
The fire died,
And there were only ashes of sinful nights...
Ashes, all I had,
And the flame gone...

Only then I realised,
I lost my taper too!

good morning

The moment I saw you out of my window,
I shrugged off all my future and the present...
I just raced back to the past...

So I jumped out of the drowsy bed,
Putting on trousers and shirt, in a terrible haste,
For you called me,
Sort of beckoned me by the morning smile of yours-
Spread across the blue blue sky,
Like balls of cotton of different hues...

I rushed to my bike and sped towards you...
The ten kilometres looked like two hundred miles
And I raced faster, thinking all the time that I might
Lose you by oversight...

The road was lonely
Only a few kids
Walked gaily to school,
With bright faces of the morning...

I rode for several minutes
Till I reached you;
You've changed your attire by then,
From the varied riot of colors, to
Blue and white;
But I know I love you in every dress...

Finally, I got down from my bike
And stood before you
Like I used to do
Even a few years ago...

You just smiled as if,
You always knew
I would come;

You just kissed my forehead
And played with my hair,
As I stood still-
Enveloped by the eternal feel of a lover...

I just stood calm,
I just stood blessed...

The State Funeral

At least they have given her The State Funeral With tongue cut,  She could not have spoken for  The rare award,  The police have done the th...