Sunday, May 15, 2016

The missing*

Every year they are going missing,
From Parks, Sanctuaries,
From registers as they are christened
By T , symbolic of their species,
How the wild cats are going missing,
From woods , dark and Silence where ruined

Every thing that nature offers, 
Where they had all gone?
To which poaching den? Which heaven?

How they are going missing everyday,
From parks, forests, Sanctuaries,
River tributaries,
They are all going missing

Where they had all gone,
The twelve beautiful things?
Which den? Which heaven?

(*Note : the picture attached is a partial photographic representation of  a report of the missing tigers from Ranathambore Tiger reserve, at least twelve tigers are found to be missing within a span of few years. In between 2010-2014, five tigers as denoted by numbers like T-31, etc, went missing.
The poem/scribbling is written as an awareness campaign, against illegal poaching and killing of wild animals.)

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